Caterina Capecci

[ 2011 – 2013 ] Participation in the event “Leggere per ballare” (“Read to dance”) City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy Project by Arturo Cannistrà, show “Il sogno di Clara” (“The dream of Clara”) 02/05/2011. Project by Arturo Cannistrà, show “La mela” (“The apple”) 07/01/2013.

[ 2011 – 2012 ] Participation in the intership “Dance Open” City: Frascati (RM), Lazio | Country: Italy 29/06/2011 – 02/07/2011 27/06/2012 – 30/06/2012

[ 17/03/2012 ] Concours Durbuy Belgique 2012 Bronze medal in the contemporary section City: Bruxelles | Country: Belgium Composition of the jury: Claude Devulpian, Edith Quignon, Michael Shannon, Jacques Namont, Thierry Malandain, Douglas Becker.

[ 23/02/2013 ] Contemporary dance competition City: Figline Valdarno (FI), Tuscany | Country: Italy [ 2017 ] Performance of the show “Le muse” (“The muses”) City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy Project and choreography by Susanna Serafini. Replies: • Thermae of Diocleziano, 28/04/2017. • Palazzo Massimo, 22/09/2017. • Villa Falconieri, 20/04/2018

[ 06/07/2018 ] “Percorsi danzati…e incursioni teatrali e musicali” (“Danced routes…and theatrical and musical incursions”) As part of the Summer Tuscolana event “Impressions of July 2018” City: Frascati (RM), Lazio | Country: Italy Concept and project by Susanna Serafini (AND), Rita Ferraro (MIBACT) and Valeria Intini (MIBACT).

[ 21/02/2019 ] Flash Mob participation with National Dance Academy of Rome for Rotary Day Caterina Capecci Date of birth: 23/12/1999 Nationality: Italian  Home : Via Frascati, 73, 00040, Roma, Italy  Email:  Phone: (+39) 3345895525 City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy

[ 2019 – 2023 ] Masterclass and workshop in the National Dance Academy of Rome City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy Katarina Lundmark, 12/04/2019. Mara Cassiani for RomaEuropa Festival, 03/10/2019. Assetou Diabaté, traditional African dance, 20/02/2020. Jurij Konjar, 27/05/2022 – 06/06/2022. Emio Greco, 09/09/2022. Stian Danielsen, 17/09/2022. Omar Rajeh, 06/03/2023 – 10/03/2023.

[ 28/10/2020 ] Participation to the competition “Premio delle Arti” (“Arts Prize”) in the National Dance Academy of Rome City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy

[ 07/05/2021 – 08/05/2021 ] “Scene di un inferno nel XXI secolo” (“Scenes from hell in the 21st century”) Project to celebrate the figure of Dante Alighieri 700 years after his death City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy The project was developed by the management of the National Dance Academy of Rome in collaboration with the National Committee for the celebration of 700 years, based at the MIBACT; RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts; Saint Louis College of Music; Young orchestra of the Santa Cecilia Conservatory. Special Guest: Nancy Brilli, Paolo Fresu and Luigi Battisti.

[ 31/08/2021 – 04/09/2021 ] Participation in UNI-TANZ International Contemporary Dance Campus organized by Koreoproject City: Lecce, Puglia | Country: Italy Class with Daphnis Kokkinos, Eva Lopez Crevillien, Rodolpho Leoni, Giorgia Maddamma [ 21/04/2022 ] Participation in the Resad – Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático Choreographic return of studies in the Conservatory of Dance María de Ávila City: Madrid | Country: Spain

[ 25/06/2022 – 26/06/2022 ] Santa Margherita D’Antiochia, a sacred representation between body, space, ecstasy City: Montefiascone (VT), Lazio | Country: Italy Project financed by MIUR in collaboration with the National Academy of Dramatic Arts “Silvio d’Amico”, the Music Academy of Roma Capitale, RUFA – Rome University of Fine arts and Saint Louis College of Music.

[ 18/07/2022 – 19/07/2022 ] “Motion and Emotion” show at the Gigi Proietti Globe Theatre City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy

[ 07/02/2023 ] “Ouverture”, extract of the choreography “Folk-s” by Alessandro Sciarroni Performance for the “Equilibrio” festival at the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy

[ 22/04/2023 ] Guest with the choreography “Tienimi” by Raffaella Mencarelli in the Ruskaja Theater Resid’and show at the National Dance Academy of Rome City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy

[ 01/06/2023 ] Choreography for the short film “Latte e Biscotti” by Sabrina La Macchia City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy
[ 12/06/2023 – 18/06/2023 ] Participation in “Festa della Danza di Roma” (“Rome Dance Festival”) City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy

[ 12/07/2023 ] Participation in the gala evening “Premio Roma Danza” XXI edition International Dance Competition City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy

[ 16/09/2023 ] Performance “Say her name”, Piazza dell’Esquilino Manifestation in support of the Donna Vita Libertà revolution and the Iranian community City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy

[ 11/11/2023 ] “Tre studi sulla bellezza” (“Three studies on beauty”), edited by Sandra Fuciarelli On the occasion of the XX Day of University Students in Rome City: Spoleto (PG), Umbria | Country: Italy Project in collaboration with National Dance Academy of Rome and the Office for the University of the Vicariate of Rome.

[ 17/02/2024 ] “Giornata delle arti – La via della bellezza” (“Day of the Arts – The way to beauty”) Internship experience with the Vicariate of Rome City: Rome, Lazio | Country: Italy

[ 21/06/2024 ] Choreography judge for the Palio dei Borgia event City: Nepi, VT | Country: Italy

Caterina Capecci

Caterina Capecci